How to add block out day/s

This feature is a great way for you to block availability on specific days e.g. a private function/ staff training day etc. You have the ability to block out single days or multiple days in a row depending on your needs.

Watch this video for a tutorial on how to do this, or follow the step by step instructions below.

Step 1:

Go to:

Step 2:

Login to your First Table portal

Step 3:

Select ‘Block Out Dates’ tab

How to add blockout day/s

Step 4:

Select +Add new Block Out Date box in the top right corner and a new box will open

How to add blockout day/s

Step 5:

Fill in the fields

Title e.g. busy/private function/ staff training etc

Start date

End date - this can be left blank is this date is same as start date

Are you open on these dates - no/yes

Do you want to offer First Table on these dates - no/yes

How to add blockout day/s

Step 6:

Select Add and it will show on the main screen

How to add blockout day/s

How to add blockout day/s