Unfortunately no shows are a common occurrence in the hospitality industry. We do not have any control over this issue, however you do have the ability to 'rate your customer'. By regularly using this feature you are helping to identify great diners and the not so great diners. Our marketing efforts are then targeted accordingly.
Watch this video for a tutorial on how to do this, or follow the step by step instructions below.
Step 1:
Go to: www.firsttable.com/manage
Step 2:
Login to your First Table portal
Step 3:
Select ‘Reservations’ tab
Step 4:
Scroll down until you get to Past Reservations and find the diner you wish to rate.
Step 5:
Click the drop down arrow next to ‘rate diner’ and select No Show.
First Table will be notified and we can keep an eye on repeat offenders and will take further action if necessary.