Without the support from you, this platform would not be successful. As this is the case we have listened to your feedback and have added the ability for restaurants to ‘rate the diner’ as Fine, Fantastic, or Terrible. If you select terrible this gives you the ability to add notes to explain what the issue was in more detail.
Guests don't know that they are being rated. However, if you rate someone as terrible, then we remove them from our marketing list, so we won't send them any further marketing about First Table. If they are rated terrible by two of our partner restaurants then we will address this with the member directly.
Watch this video for a tutorial on how to do this, or follow the step by step instructions below.
Step 1:
Go to: www.firsttable.com/manage
Step 2:
Login to your First Table portal
Step 3:
Select ‘Reservations’ tab
Step 4:
Scroll down until you get to Past Reservations and find the diner you wish to rate.
Step 5:
Click the drop down arrow next to ‘rate diner’
If you select Fine/Fantastic/No Show no further action is required
If you select Terrible a box will pop up asking for more details, enter more details and select submit
This will then notify our team.
Don’t worry, we won’t tell them what you say, we simply stop marketing to users with bad reviews.
If you would like more information on First Table's process for managing bad diners, you can read about it here.