We highly encourage restaurants respond to reviews as this is a great way to build a relationship with your diners and make them feel heard. We also understand it is difficult receiving bad reviews so we have created some articles on turning negative reviews into marketing opportunities for your restaurant. We hope you find these helpful!!
Turning negative reviews into marketing opportunities
Turning customer complaints into your restaurant’s secret weapon
Strategic discounting: building loyalty and attracting new diners
How to encourage diners to leave more reviews
Watch this video for a tutorial on how to respond to reviews, or follow the step by step instructions below.
Step 1:
Go to: www.firsttable.com/manage
Step 2:
Login to your First Table portal
Step 3:
Select ‘Reviews’ tab
Step 4:
Find any review you would like to respond to and select ‘reply’
Step 5:
A pop up box will appear and you can enter your response in the text box provided. To save these changes select ‘submit’.
Please ensure you are familiar with the First Table review guidelines found here, and are also accessible through the link in the pop up box.
Step 6:
Please note, some reviews are public and some are private. Private reviews can only be seen by the venue, and public reviews will be visible on your First Table listing. You can respond to BOTH public and private reviews, but only responses against public reviews will be visible for everyone to read.
We have a selection of blogs below you regarding reviews you might find interesting: