How to update the menu

We really appreciate you being proactive and keeping your menu up to date on our platform. We have over 2000 restaurants on our platform so it is difficult for us to keep track of when all of our partners change their menu. Follow the easy steps below for how to do this.

Watch this video for a tutorial on how to do this, or follow the step by step instructions below.


Please note: it can take up to an hour for the new menu to reflect on the website. Please be patient, however if after a couple of hours it is still not pulling through please let us know so we can help rectify this.

Step 1:

Go to:

Step 2:

Login to your First Table portal

Step 3:

Select ‘Menu’ tab

How to update menu

Step 4:

Remove the old menus by selecting the ‘x’ on the right hand side of the screen

How to update menu

Step 5: 

To add a new menu drag ‘n’ drop your new files in this box, or click the box to select your files

How to update menu

Step 6:

You can reorder the files by holding and dragging the group of dots on the left.

How to update menu

Step 7:

Once your files have uploaded remember to select ‘save changes’

How to update menu